Securepro Security Services based in Manchester, United Kingdom, specialise in providing high quality security services to help safeguard your business premises and events.

Our Services


Our experienced and reliable security staff providing peace of mind for any retail premises, ranging from small shops to large shopping centres


Our friendly security officers provide quality customer service as well as protection to ensure your guests have a peaceful stay



Our officers are extremely professional and capable of protecting your staff, property and the base of your business



Our staff are well trained in dealing with large events and handling crowds of people

Door Supervisors

Our door security staff are well equipped and highly trained to ensure the safety of your business and your customers



Our security services provide 24 hour surveillance on your premises acting as a deterrent to theft, damage, and antisocial behaviour

Please get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and to obtain a quote for our services

Contact us

Get in touch with us today to discuss your security needs and how we can help.

Call us on

Joseph Lamptey 07955101537

Hamid Shakouri 07454771129


Our get in touch via email at
